Relay & Semiconductor cross reference with data sheet

Cross Reference 514,000 Industry semiconductors and relays.

Just enter the manufacturer part number of your device into the search field to locate a compatible NTE replacement. Then use the NTE cross reference number to check price and availability on our site.

The products listed as crosses are recommended starting points for the search of an equivalent. Please check data sheets of the products you are comparing before purchasing. In some instances, the items are not an exact equal.

At least two characters are required to run the search. More characters will provide a more accurate search.

For example: Entering 74LS will return any item that has the characters 74LS located within the device number.

This page is for cross referencing industry part numbers to NTE replacements only. You cannot enter NTE device numbers into the search field.

If you need assistance in crossing parts, or have other related questions, please contact us.